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Amethysts are a purple colored gemstones, natural that are considered to help in meditation and with problems related to headaches and migraines. It is said that amethysts enhance spirituality, raise vibrational levels, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, calm state of mind.

Amethyst Clusters

Amethysts are a purple colored gemstones, natural that are considered to help in meditation and with problems related to headaches and migraines. It is said that amethysts enhance spirituality, raise vibrational levels, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, calm state of mind.

Tumbled & Rough

Amethysts are gemstones connected with mood, tension and headaches. They are the most popular meditation crystals for its purification effect of the aura.

They are gemstones that are considered to help in meditation and with problems related to headaches and migraines. It is said that amethysts enhance spirituality, raise vibrational levels, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, calm state of mind.

Amethysts works on the heart, the fourth chakra, transmuting heartache, heartbreak and anger into the positive energy.
Place an amethyst, or a group of amethysts, in your home or office to create a more peaceful environment. Placing an amethyst near your bed promotes restful sleep.

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Kyanite is excellent meditation. It transmits tranquility and amplifies high frequency energies, stimulating psychic abilities and intuition. It promotes spiritual integrity and opens to spiritual and psychological truth. Kyanite helps to balance yin-yang energy.

It aligns the chakras, clearing pathways and meridians. This stone opens the throat chakra and encourages self-expression and communication.
It dispels blockages, illusion, anger, frustration, and stress. It enhances logical and linear thought, stimulating the higher mind.

Kyanite treats muscular disorders, fevers, the urogenital system, thyroid, throat and brain conditions. It is a natural pain reliever, lowers blood pressure and heals infections. This stone helps to loss excess weight.

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Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone. It makes it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. Self-control is increased by the use of Black Obsidian.

Black Obsidian is protective. It repels negativity and unloving thoughts. It releases imbalances and shadow qualities by bringing them to the surface. It facilitates the release of old loves and provides support during change. Black Obsidian grounds spiritual energy into the body, it can draw together scattered energy and promote emotional release.

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Black Tourmaline protects against electromagnetic waves, radiation, spells and negative energies of all kinds. It grounds energy and increases vitality, removing tension and stress.

This stone encourages a positive attitude and stimulates creativity.
It defends against debilitating disease, strengthens the immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief, and realigns the spinal column.

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Citrine’s energy stimulates higher vibrational frequencies. It is a powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the power of the sun, Citrine is an excellent stone for energizing and recharging.

It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy, energizing every level of life. Also, it cleanses the chakras, especially the solar plexus and navel chakras. It activates the crown chakra and opens the intuition.

Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence, enhances individuality, improves motivation, activates creativity, and encourages self-expression. Also, this stone promotes joy in life. Citrine stimulates digestion, the spleen, and the pancreas, helps eye problems, increases blood circulation and detoxifies the blood.

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Emerald enhances inspiration and patience. It is known as the “stone of successful love”, promoting unity, unconditional love and friendship, keeping relationships in balance. Emerald stimulates cooperation.
It opens the heart chakra and calms emotions. This stone balances physical, emotional and mental equilibrium, removing negativity.

It helps with regeneration and recovery and can heal negative emotions.
It aids recovery after infections and alleviates rheumatism and diabetes. 

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Pyrite helps to attract wealth. Its flashy energy can show you how to become a money magnet.

It encourages you to change your perspective, dissolving self-limiting beliefs and expectations and enlightening your true potential. This shining stone helps to visualize positive unnoticed opportunities, helping to take full advantage of them.

Pyrite empowers you to be confident and focused, to be able to create wealth and fortune.

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Hematite is strong, particularly effective at grounding and protecting. It harmonizes mind, body, and spirit.
It eliminates negativity and protects against negative energies.

Boosts self-esteem and enhances confidence and reliability. Hematite stimulates concentration, focus and memory.

Hematite helps circulatory problems and blood conditions, restoring, strengthening, and regulating the blood supply. It helps with leg cramps, anxiety, and insomnia.

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Rose Quartz is considered the stone of love and peace. It is the best crystal for the heart chakra. It purifies and opens the heart, bringing inner healing and self-love.
It is a great healer, releasing negative energy and heartache, and transmuting it into love.

Rose Quartz strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system. It aids chest, lung, and kidney conditions. Itis said to increase fertility.

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Lapis Lazuli balances the throat chakra and opens the third eye. This stone releases stress, bringing inner peace and serenity. It harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

It encourages inner truth, self-awareness and self-expression. It helps to express opinions and harmonize conflicts, teaching the value of active listening. It promotes love and friendship relationships, aiding expressing feelings and emotions.

It is a protective stone; it alleviates pain, especially migraine and headaches. It helps to overcome depression, respiratory and nervous systems conditions, and boosts the immune system. It is a natural insomnia and vertigo alleviator, and blood pressure lower.

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Rock Crystal illuminates the path to soul clarity and removes your mental “waste”, providing a clear state of mind.

It helps you strengthen your connection to your truest and real self.
It also helps you find yourself lost, unsure, and misguided, get your Rock Crystal to get the clarity you need.

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Tiger’s Eye is a protective stone, combining earth and sun energies to create a high vibrational state. It balances the lower chakras and enhances psychic abilities when it is placed on the third eye.

This stone is useful for accomplishing goals, recognizing needs. It is helpful for collecting scattered information, resolving dilemmas and internal conflicts. Tiger’s Eye is extremely useful for healing personality disorders and mental diseases.

It balances emotion and yin-yang. It alleviates depression and enhances the mood. It treats the eyes conditions and heals the throat. It is helpful for broken bones.

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Selenite is one of the most powerful crystals, promoting very fine vibration and clarity of mind. It is a calm stone bringing deep peace, which is excellent for meditation.
It clears confusion and helps in seeing the deeper picture. This crystal shows how problems can best be resolved and stabilizes emotions.

Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It helps avoiding epileptic seizures. This stone reverses the effects of “free radicals.” It is excellent for breastfeeding and nurturing children.

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Sodalite opens spiritual perception, stimulates third eye and deepens meditation.
It stimulates the pineal gland and the balances the metabolism and boosts the immune system.

Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution, and it is recommended to be placed near computers to block electromagnetic emissions.

This stone balance emotions and calms panic attacks. It helps with the throat, vocal cords, and larynx disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates absorption of fluid in the body.

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Red Jasper protects and supports during stress, bringing tranquility and calm. It unifies all aspects of life and aligns the chakras and the aura. It is a natural protector of energies and the body. It absorbs and cleanses negative energy.

It balances and aligns the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
It is a great support during conflict, promoting quick thinking and organizational abilities. It stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action.

Red Jasper supports the circulatory, digestive, and sexual organs. It balances the mineral content of the body, strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, the blood, and liver.

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Green Quartz is the stone of good luck. This stone provides balance, transforming negative energies into positive energies and stabilizing emotions. It enhances our intuition and clarity of thought. In meditation, it can be used to magnify spiritual communication.

It is most closely associated with the Heart Chakra, but it also aligns and heals all seven Chakras. It accelerates physical healing, and is specifically helpful for increasing immunity and digestion conditions. It also aids with arthritis, chronic fatigue, depression, intestinal problems, bone injuries, and fibromyalgia, and is an ideal stone for all ailments affecting the heart and lungs.

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Carnelian is a balancing stone, excellent for stimulating vitality, motivation and creativity. It can be used to cleanse other stones. Carnelian imparts acceptance of the cycle of life and removes fear of death. 

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It promotes courage and positive life choices. This stone helps to trust own decisions, improving analytic abilities and clarifying perception. Red Carnelian sharpens concentration and invigorates the mind and body. 

This stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage, and resentment. It calms anger and banishes emotional negativity, transmuting it with love.
Carnelian stimulates the metabolism and the female reproductive organs, increasing fertility. This stone helps to overcome sexual conditions, such as frigidity and impotence, heals lower back ailments, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and depression.

It fosters a good supply of blood to organs and tissues, by regulating bodily fluids and the kidneys, and improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It also accelerates bone healing.